Hopedale High School Alumni Association, Inc. P. O. Box 25 Hopedale, MA 01747
Use this form for your Lifetime Membership as well as for donations to the Memorial Fund, General Scholarship Fund, or Academic Grant Program for classroom teachers. You can make your donation in any of the following ways:
(1) By check, making it payable to HHSAA, Inc. and mail to the address shown above. (2) To our Venmo account: @hopedale-alumni If donating electronically, please be sure to include your address, year you graduated, and any detail of your donation you would like to include (e.g.: in memory of, or the specific program you are donating to).
Please contact us (hopedalealumni@gmail.com) if you would like to make a special gift or bequest to the Alumni Association to establish a scholarship in honor or memory of a loved one, or to provide a class reunion scholarship!
$_________ New Lifetime Membership ($20)
$_________ General Scholarship Fund Donation
$_________ Academic Grant Donation
$_________ Donation Supporting the Civics Education Essay Competition
$_________ Memorial Scholarship Donation in Memory of: